Boy Scouts Troop 1 – Milford, CT

Boy Scout Troop One was established on November 19, 1919 in Milford, Connecticut and has operated continuously for the past 99 years, which makes it the oldest troop in Milford.  The Plymouth Men’s Club of the First United Church of Christ sponsors our Troop.

Troop meetings are held every Tuesday evening (all year round) at the Plymouth Building (18 West Main Street, Milford) from 7 to 8:30 PM.  Meetings consist of a variety of activities, such as:  Rank Advancement, Merit Badges Classes, Games, Guest Speakers and Field Tours.  Our well planned and executed Camping and High Adventure Backpacking trips are well known throughout the Connecticut Yankee Council.

Our Troop is very active and consistently provides a well-rounded Scouting program guided by experienced and knowledgeable youth and adult leaders. By maintaining a superior level of training and participation and living by the ideals of the Scout Oaths and the Scout Law, many of Troop One’s Scouts and Scouters have risen to become leaders in the Milford community.

Community Service is the cornerstone of Troop One!  We have provided relief to victims of hurricane Sandy, organize the annual “Thanks For Giving” Food Drive, Collecting Coats & Gloves for the homeless during winter months and distributing water to participants in the Newtown Charity Road Race, just to name a few.  In addition, some of our Eagle Scout projects have benefited Public Parks, which have encompassed habitat restoration by planting 75 chestnut trees at Eisenhower Park, Installing Bat houses, Hiking Trail Restoration, and much more.
If you have a son or know of a young man who would like to join the Boy Scouts, please click the “Contact Us” tab for more information.

Read a wonderful letter of thanks from Denise Morris Curt as it pertains to Troop 1’s scouts and leaders, exemplifying Troop 1’s commitment to community and service. Read the letter!

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